Saturday, February 21, 2009



Now, I ruined the other version of this. I was sad because I love how the drawing turned out so much, but I killed it with the background and there was nothing I could do about it. So, this is the second one. I like the initial drawing much less but I got some better paper and this background is really working for me. Let's see how it turns out.

Once again, sorry for the quality of the photo. I was in a rush to leave school and only had my phone on me.

colored pencil.

Thursday, February 5, 2009



This one is the latest piece I am working on.

It is a portrait of a girl I went to middle-school with. I always thought she was just gorgeous. Haven't spoken to her in a long time, but decided to do something inspired by her. I am going off a picture on her myspace. I won't post it up for her privacy, though. "MONSTER" was her only comment on her picture so that's what I decided to call mine. So far, I have had a blast doing this and am still in love with it.

Pencil, Colored pencil.

[Larger version]



And again.
Girl this time.
(done on the back of an anatomy 'physio-phocus'. Sorry Mister Magette. (:)

Pencil, Ball point pen.



Another one for personal amusement.
Looks much better in person. The photo sucks.
It's a boy. Deal with it.
(done on the back of an english assignment.)

Pencil, Colored pencil



This one I did during a few different classes for my own personal amusement.
(drawn on the back of a study guide.)

Pencil, Colored pencil



This on I did second quarter and for my best friend in the whole world. (:
It is a really large canvas, about up to my chest. Took an entire quarter to finish. Sorry once again for the poor quality of the picture, I took it on my phone.

Acrylics on canvas.



I am going to start this off with some older art, just to give it something to work from.

A piece I did first quarter for my advanced art class.
For my boyfriend for our sixth month anniversary. In this picture it isn't finished but I already have the frame on it. I now thoroughly regret not taking a picture right when it was finished.

White charcoal on black mat-board.

[Larger version]